About Think Olio

What we are doing with Think Olio isn’t all that revolutionary. Our core belief is that education should be an ongoing, lifelong endeavor. Think Olio was created for those who want to keep learning. With our salon-style classes, taught by college professors, we’ve cut the excess out of education - the costs, the tests and grades, the fluorescent lighting, and people who don’t really want to be there.

This is not about learning a new skill or adding credentials to your resume. It is about getting together with other people and expanding our worldview. It’s about enhancing our awareness of humanity and nurturing our appreciation for the humanities. Think Olio exists as a conduit for fruitful discussions, a dissent from the regurgitation of facts, and an embrace of new perspectives.

Think Olio was founded by CUNY students Chris Zumtobel and David Kurfirst in March 2015, with a class in their living room. After they realized the disparity between what great teachers offer and how little they are paid, Chris and David created an environment where professors were appreciated and compensated for the work that they do and class prices remained accessible.

All Olios are open and accessible to all curious people, regardless of educational background.

- Chris & David, Founders

Read our profile in Southwest Mag

Geoff Klock had just been hit by a car. He was on sabbatical from his job as a professor at the Borough of Manhattan Community College when a taxi made a turn through Klock (and his bike) in Manhattan’s Upper West Side. Until then, he had logged more than 100 miles a week commuting around the city, but he knew those days were over, at least for a while.

As he was recovering, in August 2015, he heard from two guys running a small, new adult education business called Think Olio. Would he be interested in meeting and learning more? Continue reading

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Olio: A miscellaneous collection of art and literature.